Anticipating the Priceless Magazine Launch!

I must confess that I've been amazed by the recent loads of request to join our facebook group(Pearls). So this is also my way of saying welcome to all our new members and thank you to everyone that has been with us up till now. r /> Who are we? Pearls is a group of women who have come together with a vision of raising women with a difference in various spheres of life. We are not perfect women rather the goal is to work towards perfection, be relevant on earth and heavenly conscious. What is Vertopia? Vertopia is the publishing arm of the Pearls group, and we are currently working on the launch of the first edition of our magazine (Priceless) in a few days. To be a part of the publishing team feel free to reach me and we'll keep you informed on how we work. What programs do we have outlined? We conduct outreaches to the less privileged from time to time as God engraces us. We are also looking to have a yearly conference where we can meet one another and sp...