The Vertopia team launched her debut magazine 'Priceless' on the 17th day of April, 2016. The event which was held at Eco Events Centre, Egbeda had great minds such as Pastor Dele Osunmakinde and his beautiful wife Pastor Morin Osunmakinde as well as Dr Gbenga Durojaiye amongst others in attendance. Pastor Dele is the founder of Vessels of Honour Foundation (University of Ibadan) and the senior Pastor of The Baptising Church with 5 branches in Nigeria. Pastor Dele spoke about business being a 'war' and gave some tips as to how a Christian can succeed as an Entrepreneur. Pastor Morin also spoke on submission. She spoke extensively on how a man who has not first submitted to God is not entitled to getting a woman to submit to him. Pastor Morin is the founder of BABES Redefined with over 5000 members within and outside Nigeria. The height of the event was the launch of the 'Priceless' magazine by the attendees after which everyone couldn't get enoug...