With a glad some heart, we specially welcome you to this brand new year 2017, our year of noiseless breakthroughs. God has indeed been faithful to us all through 2016.....NOT UNTO US, O LORD, NOT UNTO US, BUT UNTO THY NAME GIVE GLORY, FOR THY MERCY, AND FOR THY TRUTH'S SAKE.......Psalm 115:1. We had successful outreaches, we kept receiving lots of wonderful testimonies of refined hearts from every reader and all that has come in contact with the 'PRICE LESS MAGAZINE'. We are determined to make 2017 a year of difference as we unveil our 2nd edition of the Priceless magazine by touching many lives with the message of hope, love and Christ. We would also be embarking on various events this year to this year, spending time together in the presence of God and most importantly, we will keep raising great women with a difference in various spheres of life. ...
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