"Murder" in law?

mother in law

Growing up, we were made to believe that mother in-laws were every wife’s nightmare, no thanks to fairy tales and some local movies. Some people have however entered into marriages with these misconceptions and have also become victims.
I agree that some women are actually difficult to put up with, especially those ones that have a very intimate relationship with their sons or even single mothers.
  1. Find out what interests her; Most women love fashion and movies. Give her a make-over once in a while if that is what she loves to do for leisure. Try to give her a gift on her birthday, no matter how small (Every woman loves attentive).
  1. Try to maintain a good communication; Try to be free around her. Be polite, compassionate, and speak with wisdom. Learn from her wealth of experience both as a mother and a wife. If you have children, let them be free to have fun around her.
  1. Honour her; Treat her like you would treat your mother or better still the way you would love your daughter in-law to treat you. Honour her with your words and action. Never be rude to her especially in public.
  1. Have a positive mindset; never be tempted to feel you are in a competition with your mother inlaw. Both of you have special places in your husband’s heart. The moment you begin to see her as a competition, you might never get along well with her.
  1. Prayers; If you have a mother in-law that probably never sees anything right with whatever you do, it would be unwise to always confront her physically. Go down on your knees and pray for her. Remember the Bible says “The heart of a king is in the hands of God”. Proverbs 14 vs 1 also says “A wise woman buildeth her house, but the foolish plucketh it down with her own hands”. Prayers can change anyone and anything.
I pray for every mother inlaw/daughter inlaw relationship out there that is going through one form of challenge or another; may God restore peace and love to your relationship.
To all the singles including myself; May we have the best mother inlaws in the world, and may we become one someday!

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