The much anticipated WOTGK conference took place last Saturday, 18th March 2017 at the ALDC Covenant University, Ota. The event attracted hundreds of ladies from within and outside Ota. The theme of the conference was “Audience of One”. The event featured word ministrations, a panel session, dance drama, fashion show by NHN Couture amongst others.

Dr Ada Sonia- A lecturer in the Department of Mass Communication at the Covenant University talked about maintaining a genuine relationship with God. She also admonished the participants to understand their relationship with God and to see prayer as a constant communication with the father not just an avenue to ask for things we need. “We are the branch and God is the vine. The branch takes the form and fruits of the vine. What fruits are you producing?”

Mrs Nkechi Ngonadi- The CEO of NHN Couture spoke on “Preparation”, using the example of Queen Esther. “There is always a place for preparation for anything you want to do in Life. Esther and her girls prepared before she approached the King. The longer you prepare, the better for you. There is nothing wrong with Christian women looking nice, we just have to examine our motives. The truth is we can never look our best except we are beautiful within. She also ended her teaching with these key notes; *Determine what true beauty is from the word of God *Desire true beauty and pray for it , Diligently pursue it (Beauty is not about fine face, it is about a fine heart) *Be Humble *Modesty and decency is key

 The Panel session was a question and answer session which was anchored by Joys Oyedepo, while Mrs Kemi Oyedepo (Visioneer of crisis proof your family and wife of the resident pastor of the Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland; Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr) and Mrs Yemi (Former Teacher at the Faith Academy Secondary School) answered questions raised by participants. On the issue of marrying a younger man, Mrs Kemi Oyedepo answered by saying that the most important thing to consider in such situation is if you feel you can be humble enough to submit to such a man and also his ability to lead. A participant raised a question on how one can build confidence. The panel answered by saying that confidence stems out of constant fellowship with God through his word. You get to know who you are and lives within you. Over time you discover that the timidity is gone.

Tolu Odukoya- The first daughter of Pastor Taiwo Odukoya and Late Pastor Bimbo Odukoya spoke on a message she titled “The Call”. She defined a call as “a unique divine assignment given by God which requires devotion and commitment on the part of man”. According to her, every purpose will led back to God. We need to put our wants aside and ask God what he wants us to do. What is in your hands? What do you have? Who are you surrounding yourself with? Queen Esther picked maids that could fast when the time came. We need to step up to the call of God upon our lives. After you have prayed, MOVE. God is going to do what he wants to do through you, you have a part to play. In the end it is all about souls. When you move, God backs you up.

 Joys Oyedepo- The visioneer of the Women of the God Kind and the host of the conference rounded up with the teaching on “HOW TO DRAW NEAR” using the story of Queen Esther. “ We need to prepare in the sense that we should take actions that prove we believe God. Do not get distracted, surround yourself with those who will stand by you and teach you. Be subject to leadership, do not take some decisions on your own. No matter what the enemy does, stand strong in your knowing of God’s truth. Do not be comfortable with mediocrity. She also ended the session with an altar call for salvation and a word of prayer for sisters who had challenges with their health.

 It was an awesome time in God’s presence and I am sure we all are looking forward to the Women of the God Kind 2018 conference.


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